Saturday, April 12, 2014

12-04-2014: When Times Get Tough...

Hello all,
On Thursday, I received some slightly unnerving news and, for some reason, I handle stress through lack of eating and nausea. Apparently that isn't healthy, but I do lose my appetite in times of stress. Sometimes this non-hunger lasts only an evening; sometimes, it will be for a few days. I don't recommend stress as a way to lose weight, it's killer.
That being said, a lot of my living here has given me some training on managing my stress. Instead of having a few days of my brain starving my body, and me having restless nights, I've gone down to one or two days. It's an improvement. I also have learned more about talking to resources, and not being as fatalistic in my outlook, or one-track minded. I've become more keen to looking for resources that may give me more opportunity, and I am practicing my research skills, as well as my problem-solving skills.
Optimism is definitely key in searching for your open windows and opportunities. Just remember: when a door closes, there will be a window somewhere; you just need to look for it. Or, better yet, you better bust through a wall to make it happen. Either way, you do need to make a lot of effort. you also should set a long-term goal or two and figure out the steps you need to take to achieve it, and what you backup plan may be in the case you take a stumble. Don't lose confidence in yourself, because that is a one-way ticket to the demise of a dream. Also, don't let other people demean your value, live above their expectations and push through the hardships. Understand that life is hard, but it can be a lot of fun if you find your way, even if you stumble.
If money-making is your goal, you will work hard; you might work many jobs at once, and not find joy for a while. That's okay. You may go out very little and limit your spending so that you can save up money. Again, this is perfectly fine.
If you want to travel the world and don't have money, you will need to find a way to earn it, whether it is through donations, working two jobs and saving, and you may work the odd job while you are abroad. I would suggest that you do work the odd jobs. Many of these jobs are in hotels, hostels, and adventure companies. You will end up meeting a lot of people from around the world, either working with you or as a customer. Enjoy each experience, even if you are a housekeeper. Enjoy each location.
Personally, I know that I would love to take a holiday to somewhere in the world, although I am not sure exactly where I would like to stay. My experience with some young Swedish men I met while in Thailand landed some excitement and keenness to travel to Scandinavia. Australia always has adventures in store; so do Spain and South America, I feel. Honestly, I want to visit five out of the seven continents if possible, and I am constantly trying to figure out my options that will make this possible. So far, I have accomplished 3 continents: North America, Asia, and Australia. Next up: Europe and South America; probably Australia again.
If I visit Europe, though, I think a job is completely necessary. Maybe as an Au pair, where I can practice my care-taking skills, learn a new language, and still have some time to visit other countries.

As for now, I would like to find other like-minded people who might feel a little bit clueless about their life path, but willing to go on the ride, through the thick and thin, knowing that life isn't over yet.
I would like to close this post with a famous quote:
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end"
 It says a lot about what's going on in life, and to not give up even when things are tough.

Until next time,

P.S.- I'm wondering if I should make any reviews of any products or such. It's just a thought.

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