Sunday, December 22, 2013

22-12-2013. Holiday preparations...?

Hello again!
So, it's been a bit since I last posts, and that's okay, I've actually been more busy than forgetful, unlike the last few months! Plus, I'm actually working on this whole consistency thing, meaning, instead of giving a repetitive and mostly boring play-by-play of my days(which surprisingly makes it more difficult for me to be motivated to writing), I am giving bulk updates, but aiming for at least twice a week, maybe more.

The way these posts have been reading, as well as having been written, the said author has been up and down in emotions and speeds of life events. As of recent, we (I) are at a happy medium, not too low, and not too overwhelmed. So, slightly overwhelmed, but not heartbreakingly so.

This week, at the hospital, three big events happened that were publicized and for peers and employees. The first, on Thursday, was "Green Day". Sorry, not the band! It was an event to promote environmental awareness and the push towards helping keep the environment clean.
I give credit of these images to my friend, Nai, who took them.

 With that, there was also a market that was very active, where I found a deliciously playful snack!
Pastel pink, green, and purple sticky dough, with a soft peanut filling, rolled in coconut, with a salt-sugar-black sesame seasoning to dust them. They were whimsical, and indulgent. The part I remember most clearly is the confection, which made this otherwise plain snack a delight. It almost was buttery, and I could not get enough of it after the first bite even though I was hesitant at first. It looked like sand someone gathered and decided would be a funny practical joke to give to someone else to eat. Thank goodness it wasn't!
Thursday, I worked with the Director of the hospital, who is very clear on how to speak, and, like me, is very capable to talk about any topic. We really are working on his speech improvement, to enunciate the more difficult sounds of the English language, and to work on preparing speeches. 
After the conversation session, I was invited to a dinner party that celebrated two retiring employees, which was more fun than I expected. It was also much cooler than I expected, where I felt the need for a light jacket.(Good thing I have that creative project in progress!) There was karaoke, gift-giving, speeches, and food. 
I'm not in the picture because I''m one of the petal throwers.
Friday marked the end of the week with another event, which focused on that of the ambulance drivers and transportation. Because of the holidays, the traffic becomes more dangerous, and there is an increase of injuries and deaths due to holiday traffic. I thought it very wise to promote this event, because not only do the drivers for emergency services need to be prepared for the increase in accidents, the community also needs to consider their safety, and how to lower their risk of being one of those in a major vehicle accident.

Friday also marked the last night I would spend sleeping in the same room as my cousin. I had a makeshift bed, consisting of a padded mat, two sleeping bags, a comforter and some sheet, set next to his bed, so that he knew someone else was in the room with him. 

Saturday was the third big event at the hospital, the influenza seminar. As a promotion, flu vaccinations were costing about 190 THB, which is an estimate 6.25 USD. Not bad! My aunt, uncle, and cousin went to Pattaya instead of attending, what I would consider, a very important seminar. Even though I also missed it (it ended early), I still met with friends and had social plans: lunch!
We went to Ban Khai, which is known better for it's farming culture, and it was beautiful! We went to a restaurant that translated into "Grandma's Garden." It was very cozy! Each eating area was a canopied and elevated floor with bamboo mats. I would go so far as to describe them as cabana-esque. Each 'cabana' as a dry bamboo pipe, wit ha stick roped next to it, so that if a server were needed, we could call them. The staff people were friendly and the food was delicious!

Tom Yum
Fried mini-prawn

fish cutlets
Fished cooked in a banana leaf

The eating arrangement!


 After lunch, we all went home and I remembered that today was the first day to get my cousin, Kevin, to sleep in his room by himself. In fact, I read two stories to him: King Donkey Ears and Stone Soup. King Donkey Ears is the story that we read every night. By now, he is narrating half of the story on his own, interacting and (hopefully) learning! As for him falling asleep, I had to reassure him of his safety. He said he was afraid  his toys would get him, and "of the monsters in his mind." As a way to make him feel more comfortable, I told him to think of happy things, and mommy spanking the monsters. He woke me up about four times in the night for soothing comfort, which I willingly and quietly gave to him. Even though he woke me up those four times, he has taken big steps in growing up and independence of his parents' bed. Little steps forward are more memorable and last longer. For this week, I do not expect to sleep much with the evening independency activity going on, so wish me luck!

And as for today (Sunday), it was very quiet. I did a few chores, got some work done, went to lunch and a fair which turned out to be a market (but I spent less than 30 USD on activewear, so I'm not complaining!....much). This week will be very busy with holiday adventures, getting observation and work done, and preparing someone for a standardized test. EEK!

I am looking forward to it all!
Until next time,

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