Wednesday, June 4, 2014

05.06.2014- In this bitty break

Hello, all,
I will try to make this as informative as possible.
If you have not heard yet, there was a military coup a few weeks ago (honestly, it was less than a week before my birthday). When you first think about it, a coup seems a bit scary, but one must examine the situation more closely. Look at the history of Thailand. There actually have been quite a few coups in the last fifteen years. So, right off the bat, Thailand is no stranger to this kind of thing. Secondly, there are not many events of radical protesters; they, for the most part, have been quite peaceful.
Now, if you want to ask, I will answer honestly. "How has the coup affected you?" My answer: It really hasn't had much of an effect, other than the curfew. Even with the curfew, if I wanted to go out, I had little difficulty to do that and have fun. What the curfew did, really, was just close down the businesses at a certain time at night. The first Saturday that there was a curfew...well, that was a little different, but after that, there wasn't much trouble. Other than the curfew, I went about my daily life activities: which consists mostly of work. That being said, I don't really have much I do that would get me into trouble, just work, grocery shopping, and the occasional dinner.

If you would like to know more about what is going on in Thailand, here is an 11-minute video which gives some good explanations behind what is going on, and the reasons to why. It is not even very violent or aggressive in speech, but rather, admitting that there is a problem, and whoever is involved is working on amending it so that stability can become more possible in the government.
Here it is
If you ignore that "war-time" music and read the subtitles, it is much less radical than you may have heard.

Second update: This is my observation week before my next section of students, will be mostly Inpatient nurses and staff. This, I feel will be exciting, because I had one session already, and I am beginning to get the hang of the lessons, and a good order. In addition, I will be working in a ptient room so that the nurses are more familiar in an environment they actually work in, rather than the setting as a classroom. Last time I checked, nurses don't treat patients in a classroom, other than at educational hospitals.
Third update: On Friday (tomorrow) I will be making mango curd for the first time (holla!) and making something else to go with it, so it should be yummy! (Aren't experiments always yummy!)

Fourth update: I had a full night's rest... kind of. By full night, I mean that I pass out around 10:30PM, and woke up around 6:30. (I woke up a few times, but that's fairly normal for me nowadays). It seems that my business is catching up with me. that being said, I still am adding more to my schedule to increase my productivity. One of the activities I would like to add into my agenda is running in the mornings, because running in the evenings, after I finish all my work isn't really too safe, and joining a gym isn't much of an option. The nice thing is that, if I choose to run in the mornings, I have an audio tape that I can use to listen and practice speaking Russian or Swedish. Of course, I would only be practicing what I have already learning, not new material because that's just crazy! (hardy-har-har). Now, when I say "running in the mornings" I actually mean that I would need to wake up around 5AM and start running around 5:45 until 7:00AM. Yes, I would have a busy schedule, and yes, I think I will accept that I might be a little crazy with my schedule (Some work days end at 6PM, some end at 8PM, and they all will start around 8AM).
This is my normal end of the work day view:
As I mentioned, that is the downside of being busy... you are always busy. The upside is that you learn a lot about your stamina and ability of time management. For example, being able to find time to work, to learn something new, to exercise, and to have something of a social life....I think a lot of mothers learn this lesson, too. (at least, I hope they do).
Now, I must plan for the future, because I need to request off a few days to visit BKK to get some other business done (flight changing, criminal background checks, etc) It all sounds so exciting doesn't it? Surprisingly enough, I am pretty stoked to go out to so these tasks. I need to change my flight, either the dates, or the location. Who knows? Not I, but that's okay. For now, I must hastily return to work for a busy day! Woohoo!

Until next time,

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