Friday, November 29, 2013


Today, it rained somewhat heavily, to later reveal the sun a clear sky!
Just a quick glimpse of it while I work on some plans in a new coffee shop I am trying out. Luckily, coffee shops are everywhere, and I can try everybody's different versions of coffee. I am in HEAVEN... which will be disappointing for my return to the states, considering how strong much of the coffee here is.
As for now, my aunt has been recovering very nicely from her sessions of chemotherapy. Her hair is now more than a centimeter long! Speaking of chemotherapy, a young man who graduated high school in my year has been at battle Hodgkin's Lymphoma for the past four and a half years, and he has done something about it. He has established, with a few other young adults fighting cancer, a foundation that encourages and promotes young adults diagnosed with cancer to live their life to the fullest, and offers assistance to them to participate in adventures. Here is an article which I recommend any of the readers to check out! It is amazing what young people can accomplish when they set not only their mind to it, but their heart as well; that, and how much support one will receive from others. So, just a note to everyone, live your life to the way you want it to be, and live it to the fullest. A wise woman has told me many times, "Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of it alive anyways," and if you really think about it, it's true. If you want something, work for it, and work hard.
As for my personal updates, with my non-immigrant B visa established, I have much more time here, and am in the process of getting my work permit processed so that I can start in the next week or two. I am unbelievably more excited as this experience start time is approaching closer and closer! I had been stressing for much time while I waited, but now, I am just working, writing, and thinking. To be honest, I attribute some of the to my six-year old cousin, Kevin, who has unintentionally been inspiring me in searching for more opportunities in methods and tactics of teaching him and the quick-thinking. We are practicing speech therapy, mathematics, logical thinking, story-telling, spelling and reading. It is amazing. I even need to refresh what I learned in my Developmental Psychology course, because a lot of what I have experienced with my cousin reminds me of different lessons from the course. I must say, though, it is tricky to think of how to present lessons to adults whose first language is not English, no doubt, presenting them will still be fun!
While I have been patiently waiting, I decided to be a little more proactive! Currently working on two creative projects: a jean jacket (hand-sewn), and a play script. I recently completed a bracelet for my cousin to help him remember the order of the days of the week, using colors associated with each day. Hopefully I can complete the two major projects by February or earlier! I also have taken to walking around the city much more frequently and covering more distance. With that, I found a nifty coffee shop with a very nice owner and young employees. I also became enamored by a ham of a kitten

D'awwwww. I still can't get over him. The coffee was fantastic as well, of course! And I have been running into some very interesting people. My most recent encounter is a gentleman from Cameroon, who plays soccer for a team in Thailand. He has inspired me to go back outside and exercise, in the fashion I was much accustomed to while in the US. I just need to add in my yoga and meditation and should be set.
That's it for now, for I shall return to stitching one of the sassy sleeves of my project. Topics I would like to cover soon: exercise, and the perception of Americans as perceived by others.

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