Saturday, January 4, 2014

31.12.2013-5.1.2014: The Stopper of Everything...Thinker's Block

Can you remember the last time you completed a project from start to finish, and not because your financial stability or grade point average depended on it?
I'm trying to think, so far, for my personal completions.
So far, it's a short list.
...I'm not saying that I haven't done much, I'm just saying that I cannot actually remember the last time I completed something for fun or a hobby, and for some reason, that creates a feeling of under-accomplishment for me.
I can't count the number of ideas of projects to begin, and those I have already begun, but many of those seems to have gotten lost on the journey towards completion. Books, writing, cooking (well, the cooking everyday kind of thing), and frankly, it's getting quite frustrating. Even for writing this post, I started it at the end of the year, and now am finally finishing and adding to the pile of the going ons. I think it deserves to say how long it took, to further justify that I am currently in a bit of a sludge.
The only problem with this... overall progress block, is the starting point.
So, here I go, my starting point:
New Year's Resolutions...
  • Try to be a nicer person

....But not overly nice that guys get the wrong impression

  • Be more courageous

Take more risks, and accept that failure is a possibility, if not probability

  • Don't dump as much on others

Even my friends. They need that positive influence, right? They can't always be the therapist

  • Take less crap from people

I am a human being, right? Not a sidewalk, therefore I should not be walked on.

  • Put more effort in keeping in touch with friends

I know it's a longer distance, but they want to know that I care, yeah?
.....Side-note, do I call the people out who aren't putting in the same effort?

  • Exercise more, eat better
  • Commit to a solid schedule
Learn the importance of and improve time management
  • Take on more responsibilities
  • Watch less TV and read more books

There are a few books I can't wait to read, probably better than the TV series or movies anyways.
One list made!
Maybe I should commit to writing more lists! Oh, and listen to more music...
So, let's go back to the title: Thinker's Block. I say this because, even though someone has writer's block, it doesn't mean that they are unproductive in everything, just in committing to focusing on writing on maybe one topic to give to their peers. Right now, I have been unproductive in more than one area, and the problem, I think, is that my thoughts aren't fully forming. Maybe it is due to my valley of exercise activity from last week. With the lack in physical activity, maybe my mental activity also felt that it needed to slow down. The way to describe how my thoughts were working is to describe an image. Think of a person in a padded room. They can not get out because the door is locked. They don't get hurt when they fall, or run into a wall because it is cushioned, yet they are unable to move the wall itself. My thoughts are this entrapped person, and the running into the walls expresses how I feel my thoughts have been working. Another possible reason for my sludginess in thinking is that I may or may not have gotten too comfortable in my box. Comfort is not a good thing for moving forward for me, because it doesn't motivate me to move ahead, and push. I need to identify what this box is, and how to get out of it. Past events may have resulted in my getting into this box in the first place, unfortunately, so I will, again, need to address how to handle the events, and move forward.
I think cutting down on TV activities, returning to a healthy exercise regimen and reading more books (with writing included) should help me get my groove back. So long, 2013, hello 2014 and the adventures and struggles you will introduce me to. Another year-long affair in the making, whether is it a love, hate or love-hate type, we will see.

Next topics for pondering: recent adventures with pictures. And hey, the oven works! It. Is. ON.

Until next time,

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