Wednesday, August 7, 2013

8-7-2013: Packing and Traveling

August 7, 2013
I can see that I'm terrible with keeping up with writing a regular blog but, to be honest, I'm okay with that. It has been a busy few weeks since my last post; regularly working 35 hours a week, trying to get on with my TESOL [which, might I add, is much more difficult to complete when it is on your own time, and online], packing to move out of my local house, and then packing up for my overseas traveling. Maybe you, as a person, have been told by your elders that you never realize how much stuff you have, or, stuff really accumulates over time. Well, it definitely is true; over the year that I lived at my most recent living space, I had gathered a lot of... stuff. Even with me organizing all of this....(let's just say it...junk) I still had more. On a positive note, I have it very cathartic, this ridding of items, whether it be for donation, or just throwing out for good. Thankfully, my donation pile was bigger...MUCH bigger.

A quick list of my donations:
Queen-sized mattress and box spring
Clothes I no longer wear or, at least, haven't worn in the year I had them
An antique-looking small mirror with a drawer
Air mattresses
Bicycle (Wal-mart brand)
Canned goods

My mother once said, "Three moves equals one good house fire," and I can see what she means... in both the getting rid of the accumulation, and...well, some relational stuff with people.  Moving, while it doesn't necessarily bring out the bad side in people, it doesn't show them at their best, where it just reveals their worst characteristics. It can also bring out the best characteristics in some people. Some would say these characteristics are for that of survival. The fast survive, and the slow, and unprepared, starve or are killed by the predator. I think that best sums it up of my exprience, and what I realize are some of my better, and detrimental characteristics. Good: Prepared and quick-thinking, therefore ready to move fast. Weak: Easy to make feel guilty of my work in order to help those lacking.

Even after my move to my "liason" location before my big move, I am still making piles for donation, while also packing up for storage. Some of it can be fun, such as the excitement I receive when using a Space Saver vacuum bag (...ooooOOOOOOooooooooh!), while other aspects, such as organizing closets and garage stuff, wrapping shoes for storage, deciding which shoes I can bring, and which I must leave behind for at least a year, arranging for a financial appointment, and learning how to cut off ties with people who have no real positive influence in your life. Bummer, but you have to survive somehow.

As for updates: I have officially gotten into the "techie" era, with the new Samsung Tab 3, look it up, it's pretty nifty. I am still pretty new to it, but so far, I have Netflix, and some Google music application where you use your google account to upload music from your personal collection on your computer, then you connect to your account via your tablet, and you can stream your music library on your tablet. Seriously, that's's like Spotify, but without the cost! In addition to that, I have also recently purchased a new computer, for business; it has lots of memory, a faster processor, made of aluminum, and is touchscreen. Of course, I will have to try to figure it out, seeing as I have had a Mac for the past 4 years. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Mac (and it's GREAT!!), but I need a PC for business, as I mentioned before. Now I'll have a PC and a Mac, and if anybody knows a good way to reformat the Mac, PLEASE let me know! I would love to clean it up, saving some stuff, like pictures and some music, but otherwise, CLEAN IT UP, so it can run faster again. It will serve as my "for fun" computer. Also I have been working on mending clothes, like altering some pants to fit me better (Their version of a size 6 is a size 3... no thank you), as well as finishing up clothing projects!

Now, on to traveling.... In less than two weeks, I will be on a plane to Thailand, for what may be one of the biggest adventures of my lifetime, and thank goodness I have most of my packing done, because now I need some time to get excited! I still have a few more errands and tasks to complete, but good progress has been made. We will land in Bangkok after about 26 hours of flying, get picked up by my uncle, and then make our way to Rayong. There, I will get to see my cousin, who is now six, and my aunt. On the slightly down-side, we recently found out that my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she will be undergoing her second round of chemotherapy a week before we fly in. Although it is not under the best conditions, the timing is oddly fortunate since my side has been planning this trip for over a year. So, for at least the first two weeks, I will be assisting my aunt and uncle, and from there, we will start getting a move on with the Teaching medical English. My aspirations with this program is that it turns out successfully, and I will be given more opportunities for travel, not only in Thailand, but in Asia, maybe Europe.

In other preparations, I have set up my Skype account so that I can keep in touch with friends in the United States, as well as wherever some of my friends may be , but one thing I know for sure is that I can't wait to be back in Thailand and eat the food! (That means that I will try to post recipes on here, as well as any music I find, you know the deal)
For now, I must return to my somewhat duller activities that will further my skills, and assist me in my uncertain future.

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