Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8-21-2012: Landed!

Ah! It is my first official day in Thailand! Time: 8:47PM (EST- 9:37AM). With the time zone difference, I am conflicted: my body is lively and awake, yet mentally, I'm EXHAUSTED. The time spent dedicated to flying, and the short hiatuses in the airports sums up to 26 hours, with about four and half to six hours of sleep out of those.
That being said, somehow I have managed to maintain energy for the past five hours, playing with my six year old cousin. I think it is due to the fact the he is one of the most adorable six year olds I have ever encountered. Even as I have been attempting to type this enry, he has been grabbing my face to direct my attention to a game involving a Tremors-like worm game he was playing. Plus, he introduced me to Fruit Ninja, (new game obsession found?) I've also been informed that he's a favorite of the girls in his class.
My lodgings are more than enough for me; this is an ideal house set up. (Pictures will be posted soon!) Two story house with beautiful bathrooms, gorgeous kitchen, four bedrooms, one office, living room, and a dining room. My current bedroom even includes a balcony that is perfect for morning/evening yoga.
As for the food, we (my mother snd I) alreaďy have feasted...twice! Breakfast was (I will have to check the spelling) Jok (sounds like "joke"), also referred to as Congee. Congee, if you're not familiar with Chinese food, is a porridge. Also, there were pieces of fried dough, much like beignets but tubular, and with sesame seeds. Lunch consisted of a fried snapper, papaya salad, Tom Yum Kung, grilled squid, and fried rice. Dinner consisted of sushi, yum!
In addition to our food trip for the day, we also ran some errands, like pharmacy shopping for my aunt. In running this errand, we went to a place called the Big C, which looks like it would be something similar to a Walmart, and it kind of is. Minus all the kiosks, coffee shop, clothing marts,  and should I mention ramp-like escalators? I made a (somewhat crude) joke, mentioning that those would not be the best for people who needed assistance of wheelchairs, since there didn't appear to be anything to lock them down. Apparently, as I was explained to by my uncle, they are for the shopping carts; magnets in the escalators are activated, locking the carts on the slanted escalator so that they don't run loose. Obviously, my explanation isn't the best, but as I mentioned, I will work on taking pictures so that any readers can see some of these wonders. We also visted a plant flea mart (not really a nursery,) and saw some beautiful plans. The funny thing is that it looked like one of the shops was attempting to sell dollarweed as a desirable plant. Whoever is familiar with dollarweed may agree with me that it, most certainly, is not a desirable item. Haha!
Tomorrow, I hear that the beach is in the agenda, as well as attending the hospital my (Thai) aunt works at, and where I will hopefully be working at soon!
As for now, my body is beginning to catch up to my mind, shifting from gear four to gear one. Tomorrow will be another adventure!

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