Saturday, May 31, 2014

31.05.2014- The break from the Hiatus

Hello, all,
A quick apology for my break, I have been a busy bee buzzing around for the last (approximate) month. Quite literally, I have been working since the 21st of April, so I have not had much time for myself, or a lot of exploring.
That being said, here are my updates!

1) I have officially moved into an apartment, as of this month. Thus, I have been residing there for a week.There are a few minor problems, but nothing that cannot be amended

  • The balcony door does not have a seal on the top or bottom, which can lead to some real problems, for both the lesser and the tenant. One of them being that that cost of using the air conditioning unit will go up.
  • The windows need a movable screen so that I can keep the bugs out when I want to open the window. Ain't nobody got time to deal with bugs.
  • I am currently living in a serviced apartment, which means that it will be cleaned twice a week. The building also acts as a hotel, therefore, what I would prefer to have is a "Do Not Disturb/Service Please" door handle sign.
2) I am finishing my first section of students, and am about to start my next section, in June, aka, this is the final evaluation time.

3) I just celebrated my birthday, woohoo! I can scratch off "celebrating birthday in another country" off my list!

4) I have found out when two weddings of my friends are going to be, aka in 2015, so now I must figure out how I will make that possible. And another girl I have known for a while recently became engaged.

5) I have made some friends on my own, and baked with them.

6) I am working a bunch of jobs, which have a lot of opportunity for growth, which I would like to delve into more.

Again, the key reason that I have not even made an attempt towards a new post is because I have been extremely busy. Sorry, but lately, I've had little time to commit to just sitting down and blabbing about a minute portion of the workings of my brain. Just to give you an idea of my time: I actually started writing this post on the 16th... so that should give my readers an idea of my actual amount of time to spare.

Now, I do have some goals in mind that I would like to keep up with, such as reading more frequently, and learning new languages. Both, I have already started, and have been trying to keep up with, using applications and PDF downloads. The nice thing is, once I have access to these, if my internet happened to go out, I will still be able to access entertainment (aka, I don't need to worry about having to reload a video, or waiting for the internet to return.

The languages that I am trying to learn, as I have mentioned before, are Russian and Swedish.
So far, Swedish is proving to be the much easier language to learn, as it has similar symbols, and words/word stems that I am familiar with. It still is difficult, though. One of the reasons is that I need to learn the different words that associate with "ett" and "en,"  not to mention nya, nytt, and ny. I am not sure if there is a rule, or if it is is learnt word-by-word. Oh, well. I must fight on and learn this. Some of my friends know that exact reason of why I want to learn the language, but I know that I want to learn to help with my workplace. That being said, I also know that I need to learn Russian to help the translation process. It is a difficult decision: having to choose between learning a language that I really want to learn for personal purposes or learning a language I would like to learn for work. *Sigh*

Until next time (which will hopefully be soon with pictures and updates!